This year, the smartphone users had the chance of seeing the release of some really impressive handsets and all the major brands in the business had cool treats for their fans. But with all the plethora of sleek smartphones, Apple’s latest iPhone seemed to have gained the prize for popularity in just a couple of months on the market. To prove that iPhone 4S is the best smartphone of the moment, EWeek published a list of reasons.
1. Siri
The digital assistant able to recognize commands issued in the natural tone of voice and to perform appropriate actions is without a doubt the most talked about feature of a smartphone. The potential of this convenient user interface brings on the technology market new opportunities estimated now at $5 billion.
2. Sleek design
According to EWeek editors, iPhone 4S has the best design of the available smartphones. The glass finish, discreet physical home button and the well known size and general design makes us forget the disappointment of not getting the tear shaped iPhone 5.
3. Wireless system
Apple’s addition of the new wireless s system addressing the former “death grip” was one of the best moves of the Cupertino based company in the pursuit of public’s content. Not to mention that the new iPhone allows 4G like data transmissions over AT&T networks
4. Apps
App Store opens for iOS devices much more options than the rival Android Market delivers. In addition, Apple is known for tight set of norms and regulations that developers have to comply with before submitting their apps to the public.

5. Security
Apple is able to create and maintain the most secure ecosystem for iOS devices, with little occurrences of malware and vicious software while Android platform still has serious issues on that matter.
6. Solution for business users
Lately, iPhones gained more hearts in the enterprise environment, not only as a show off sign of success but also as a organizational tool. Apps helping business, planning finance or trips and many more work related tools made iPhones more appealing than BlackBerry smartphones.
7. Prices
Granted, Apple’s iPhone don’t’ come with the most consumer friendly price tags on the market. However, the basic model of iPhone 4S with was released at the same $199 price as the previous iPhone. At the same time, Apple announced drastic discounts for the earlier generations iPhones once the new model hit the market.
8. Wide availability
Another part of Apple strategy to push iPhone 4S further on the US market was to make it available at three major carriers at the same time. This was without precedent and the move proved to be successful.
9. Reputation
iPhone 4S’ features allowed this smartphone to get record sales from the very beginning. Consumer’s satisfaction is said to and numerous enthusiastic reviews allow Apple officials to hope for an unprecedented holiday iPhone sales.
10. Service integration
If we are to mention only iCloud, iTunes or App Store, as services available around the world, and the latest iPhone 4S would need no further recommendation.